My Book, Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings, featured in San Francisco Book Review #book review

We desperately want to love, to possess each other, caught in a perpetual rush to justify our existence.
Yet there is no love that can fully satisfy us. The passions of the flesh get exhausted in bed. What is left is exhausted by our imagination.

Excerpt from my book Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings [on Amazon here].

My Dear Friends,
Thank you to everyone who reads my work. Your support means the world to me.  Below please find the review of my book, Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings, in San Francisco Book Review.

The series transports us on a journey of love as much as it delivers us a thematically diverse set of emotions. This is a superb collection.”
Bobbie Peyton

Please read the entire review here.

Thank you.

@Gabriela Marie Milton

image: Liliya Kulianionak; Shutterstock; [link]

153 thoughts on “My Book, Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings, featured in San Francisco Book Review #book review

      1. Give Maya and hug and kiss for me. Spunk sends his kitty love.

  1. I am so proud of you and it is with much admiration I look at you with. So many congratulations for bringing your dream to reality. Bless you, Gabriela!! xo

    1. My dearest Amy.
      Thank you so much for your beautiful comment. It warms my heart. You are a summer breeze for my soul. May you have a gorgeous day filled with the love of the universe.

      1. Together we have to be the summer breeze to blow away the dirt and the grime and the violence in this world far far away. Together we can do it. Much LOVE and JOY to you, dear friend!!! xoxoxo

      2. I hope you are right Amy. I stand right by you. Love and joy to you too. May you be happy so you can make us happy.

      3. No hope about it. KNOW it, Gabriela. I know how difficult at times it is to stay strong. God help me, I know. Yet if we do not, the evil that encroaches the world will suffocate all. We DO make a difference!! I’ve done so much research as have others in my “personal” circle as we look for the real truth behind the many smokescreens. We have and we stand on the fact that LIGHT exposes the dark. Hang in there!! xo

      4. Thank you so much Amy. I am trying my best to hang in here. I know light exposes the dark. The question is how many innocent people will be hurt in the process. I hope none of us will be hurt anymore. Wounds need healing.

      5. That’s the thing. The massive injustices and horrific pain inflicted on innocent people would if I allowed it, drive me over the edge. Oh I understand much more then I will say. I agree wounds need to be healed yet this continuing saga and drama is being dragged out, spurred on by those who are instigating all this darkness. GET IN YOUR HAPPY ZONE and stay there. That is what I am doing. No more world in this house or in my life! Honey, there have been days I didn’t know if I would make it. All what is transpiring has hit me so so hard. Yet, I just will not allow this evil to take from me my RIGHT to be me and all that involves. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxoxo

      6. You are strong, talented and have a beautiful soul. You will make it, Amy. I hope everyone will make it. I am trying to say nothing and stay in my happy zone.

      7. Saying anything will only procure vicious attacks. I know it takes a strong constitution to get into the happy zone, but you CAN do this and stay there!! xo

      8. I know. I did not find a happy way of saying it. I’ll find that way listening to the murmur of the ocean. I can do it Amy. Thank you. You are an angel.

  2. My heartfelt congratulations!!! 😘👏👏💐♥️
    I send you a very big hug full of affection!!! xoxoxo ♥️🤗😘🥰💐💖💖🏵️

    1. Thank you so much for the congrats and for your wonderful support Ely.
      Sending you plenty of love and lots of beautiful roses.

    1. My dearest Ishita. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful words. You make me happy. Sending you plenty of love and hugs.
      Oh, and a beautiful rose.

      1. You are always welcome dear Gabriela💞💞
        Thank for the rose. I love roses🌹
        Sending a bouquet of beautiful flowers💐💐 Have a wonderful week😘❤

      2. My pleasure and thank you for the bouquet. It’s gorgeous. Enjoy the rest of your week, Ishita.

      3. Thank you so much my dear. You are very kind 🌹🤗💕

    1. Thank you Jude. That’s really sweet of you. I hope everything is going well.

      1. My pleasure. I’m trying to put finishing touches before the end of the month for the book project. I hope things are going well with you

      2. Great progress. Bravo 👏 Everything is ok with me. Thank you 🌸

      1. Ay, I am so sorry Bo. I am going to say just this: Make sure you rest and heal. I did the same a few years ago. I did not listen to any advise. I went to school. I taught. I walked. Healing took a year or so. We don’t want that to happen to you. Please rest.

      2. I know it’s annoying. Keep at it. Sending you love and good wishes.

  3. Your love….your heart….your passion….your expressions….your writings….your beats….can be felt all the way….the way it melts everything to ONE….coz you are the love….you are the heart….Many congratulations dear Gabriela…..Lots of love to you ❤️

    1. Navin, you brought me to my knees. Thank you to one of the most talent poets I’ve ever met. That you to one of the most passionate poets I’ve ever meet. Thank you to a good friend. Thank you to YOU!
      Ready to catch my love? It’s over the ocean now…

  4. Dearest beautiful Button, the review was fabulous and so truthful. Congratulations are certainly in order my dear, sweet friend. I believe as I have said, that people will one day study your every word. Your writing is unique in so many ways and it evokes strong feelings from the reader. Something every reviewer sees and mentions.

    I am never surprised to see an incredible review because your words have such a profound impact on people just as they do on me. I am happy and grateful people realize how precious your poetry and your book is to them. I also see your faith in your work, another layer of complexity that is woven into many pieces.

    My guess is that you are hard at work on your next book and I will eagerly order it the day it is available. I hope you are finding some time for rest and play Button. So happy for the success of your gorgeous work.

    Sending you lots of love, hugs and prayers for continued excellent health my friend. Your loving friend J (honeybun) 🌺🌸❤️💕

    1. Honeybun I have no words to thank you for your beautiful words and for your support. What else can I say? You are a blessing.
      “My guess is that you are hard at work on your next book and I will eagerly order it the day it is available.” I wish I would sweetheart. But I am not. I have to re-submit two articles (still working on the modifications I have to make) and get ready with my syllabi because the semester will start sooner this year. I have my hands full. I am doing my best to keep up with everything, but lately my best is not good enough. I apologize if I am not on time with my replies.
      Sending you plenty of love.
      May you have a magical night.
      G (Button)

      1. Oh my goodness so much pressure. Friends never have to apologize. I know you will respond when you can. I did not know school was starting early. You take on a lot of work. Teachers and professors work so hard. There is always something to be done. You have been a wonderful friend to me Button so don’t worry even if you don’t have time to read my work at all. You are working and I am not. Your friends on line should all understand how loving you are. Therefore if it takes a while to read and/ or respond no one should get upset and I doubt they do. Please get lots of rest when you can Button. Sending wishes for no more worrying and so many hugs. Love yours, Honeybun 🤗🤗🌺🌸❤️

      2. Thank you so much for your understanding honeybun. You are a gem. I have time to read you. I will not miss anything. I am slower when it comes to commenting. Again I am most grateful for your understanding. You are a beautiful soul Joni.
        Love, love, love.
        Have a restful sleep honeybun.

      3. It is my pleasure. I think many of us bloggers are retired, I retired very early and it was a blessings. However many people work full time jobs and still find time to blog and work, like yourself. I applaud you in your discipline. I am just grateful you read my work and certainly understand why you can’t alway respond immediately. I don’t expect that Button. You are an incredibly hard worker my dear beautiful Button. Hugs and wishes for an amazing day my dear and treasured friend. Love Honeybun

      4. Hi my dearest honeybun
        I think I just replied twice to one of your comments. Sorry about that.
        “I think many of us bloggers are retired” That’s probably true. As for me I try to do my best.
        “I am just grateful you read my work and certainly understand why you can’t alway respond immediately.” That’s so nice of you to say Joni. Your kindness humbles me. I am going to do my best even if my best is nor good enough every time.
        Lots of hugs and lots of love sweetheart.
        G (Button)

      5. Yes, I don’t know how people who work full time and especially teachers and professors who have so much work after classes to take home do it. Let alone writing books and publishing new material to wonderful magazines. You are very busy and I believe most people understand that bloggers are not constantly able to respond right away. You do a great job for someone writing books and new material to share with your followers on WordPress for a person not working full time. So don’t ever fill like you have to respond right away to me. I know we respect and love one another and in many ways your work is a way of communicating with me. Love ❤️ and hugs dearest Button. Joni 🌺🌸🖊🤗❤️

      6. Honeybun, your words are so beautiful. You are a wonderful soul. I am lucky and blessed to have you as a friend.
        When I read your poetry and your comments life brightens up.
        Love you
        G (Button)

    1. Thank you so much Eric. That’s really kind of you. Working hard on your book?

      1. I am glad you are making progress Eric. Can’t wait to see the book published.

    1. Thank you so much my dearest Java. I am humbled by your comment. Sending you plenty of love.

  5. I’ve just finished reading the fabulous review by Bobbie Peyton…. wow…. Gabriela, now I’ll have to by your book .. 😀😊… and here’s a gorgeous love song by Aussie band “Hollow Coves” (Evermore), which was only released a week ago…. enjoy…xx

    1. Hi Ivor, you are really sweet. Thank you so much. 🌹You don’t have to do anything that you do not want to.
      I am grateful you read the review and you found it fabulous.
      An Aussie band. Yay! I am listening right now. Beautiful song. Thank you so much 🤗💕🌸❤️🌿😊

      1. Always my pleasure Gabriela….😀 I’m pleased you are enjoying their music…. they are great Indie band..

    1. Thank you Cassa. You are so sweet. I am most grateful for your wonderful post about my book. I plan to thank you more in my next post. Have a beautiful rest of the day 🌹🤗💕🌸💐🌿

  6. Hola G,

    Gorgeous writng. One of the truly beautiful things in life.

    Sitting here on my balcony, I admire nature, the warm Florida weather, sunrises, sunsets, and your breathtaking poetry and prose. What more can any man ask for? A perfect state of happiness.

    Beautiful my dear.

    1. Aw.. you are touching my heart, Drew. Thank you for your gorgeous comment. I can visualize you in your balcony…
      “What more can any man ask for?” Let’s see. amor. amor oscuro 😉
      I am joking. Enjoy the sunshine and thank you again for your beautiful comment. The Florida sunshine and you made my day.

      1. Laughing so hard. Yeah, amor y amor oscuro. Me conoces bien, como si leyeras mis pensamientos.

        I used to tell you things like stop and smell the flowers. What do I say now? Enjoy your home? Just doesn’t feel the same. Ah, compose something beautiful to inspire the world and lonely hearts.

      2. Te conozco. Puedo leer tus pensamientos 😉
        “What do I say now?’ Serenade me. Write a beautiful poem. Make my heart beat faster… I am not asking for too much. I am asking the same thing. I am looking in the mirror and I see you 🙂

      3. no soy yo soy tu 🙂
        Sending you plenty of warmth. When will I read the poem?

      4. cariño y abrazos. el espejo 🙂
        Looking forward to reading the poem.

      1. Of, that’s wonderful. I wish the moon will reflect in that water 🙂

    1. Thank you so much hon. Sending you love. Stay safe and inspire us 🌹🤗💕🌸💝🍀🌷🌺

      1. That’s very kind of you to say. I am humbled by your words. Thank you 🌸

      1. Aw… thank you very much. I am humbled by your words.

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