Gabriela Marie Milton – interview in New York Glamour Magazine #poetry interview

Gabriela Marie Milton – interview in New York Glamour Magazine

My Dear Readers,

I am extremely grateful to be featured in New York Glamour Magazine.

Here are a few snippets from my interview:

NY Glam: What are your top three favorite books?

My favorite poet is Arthur Rimbaud. His work Illuminations left a profound mark in my soul. I recently found a blog in The Guardian written years ago and entitled: “Rimbaud was no genius: The vagabond prodigy promised greatness but never delivered.” I beg to differ...

NY Glam: What three social topics/theme do you care mostly about and why?

Discrimination, abuses of power, and climate change. To some extent they overlap. I despise discrimination with its claim to primordial identities…

NY Glam: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Read. Write. Do not compare yourself with others. Stay close to people who inspire and help. Stay true to your heart… Forget about social constraints. Social constraints are put in place by structures of power that fear talent of any kind. They fear progress because…. Greatness always encounters resistance.

I would be very grateful to you if you could read the entire interview HERE.

MasticadoresUSA Update

There is a new poem by Merry Maiden up at MasticadoresUSA. There are other great features coming up this week so please stay tuned.

Thank you to everyone you follows MasticadoresUSA. Building a community is a very difficult endeavor. I deeply appreciate your visits and your likes.

@Gabriela Marie Milton

167 thoughts on “Gabriela Marie Milton – interview in New York Glamour Magazine #poetry interview

  1. My dearest Gabriela, I am so so happy for you! Congratulations on this interview❤❤ I am sure there are a lot more milestones to cover in your journey. You are a true gem.

    Reading your interview was like reading one of your pieces. You give interviews as beautifully as you write poetry. Congratulations on your second poetry book once again❣ I am so glad you are going going write another poetry book and a children’s book as well! I am so excited for you💕💕

    You are such a beautiful soul and your talent is boundless. Keep achieving more feats. All the best wishes to you🥰🥰❤


    1. My dearest Ishita. Thank you for your kind words. You have my heart, sweetheart. You are so good and so supportive. I am grateful to have you in my life. Sending you love and good wishes. Be well. be inspired.


    1. Good morning Timothy and thank you so much for your kind words. Maya and Mr. Churchill send treats and purrs to everyone. Have a beautiful day.

  2. Gabriela, great interview, congrats….now i know you little more about You…amazing. I leave this comment under interview :

    Hi from Czech.
    Thanks for interview with Gabriela,She is a very special and exceptional person.
    I’m lucky to be in touch with Her, learning from Her, She is an inspiration for me.

    She is the real “Queen of Poetry.”

    I love Her short stories, Her imagination, Her ability to hide the message to the words,work with them, hide the feeling, the joy of being alive, THE LOVE…you read Her work…and suddenly…MIRACLE OF LIFE .
    We all need these all things in this strange times..Poetry is the way…we can change the world.

    1. Oh, my dearest friend, you are so kind. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to me you left a comment. I cannot thank you enough for that and for your beautiful words.
      How is everything going? What are you working on?

      1. Thanky You, Gabriela ,
        … it was the least I could do when I saw that You live by Poetry, that you put Your whole magical personality into writing. I’m honored to know you . I am sending an icebreaker on the northern route to bring you all the treasures and scents of the Orient, as well as flowers, all colors, scents and species.
        And thanks for asking, I must have found my way, if I hadn’t been broken and destroyed since the accident two years ago, I wouldn’t be afraid to live my dream … these are the moments when pain wakes me from a wonderful dream back to reality, courts, insurance companies, hospitals, in the end I only have fantasy left … and I’m not afraid to use it 🙂 Good luck, with everything,
        Queen of Poetry, im Your devoted servant!

      2. “all the treasures and scents of the Orient” I can’t wait. This is a dream…
        “I hadn’t been broken and destroyed since the accident two years ago,” I knew something bad happened but you did not tell me you had an accident. I am so sorry to hear about that.

        “pain wakes me from a wonderful dream back to reality, courts, insurance companies, hospitals, in the end I only have fantasy left … and I’m not afraid to use it” I suspect it’s very difficult but please use your creativity. Write. Dream. Enjoy the flowers.

        Sending you love and a white fresh rose. My best wishes my dear friend.

    1. Bo, thank you for being here to support me. It means a lot. I’ve never asked you: Do you have writer’s block?

      Of course, we feel the same.
      Love you, Bo. Take care of yourself too.

      1. I do, though it’s different with fiction as you have to make up a story and plausible dialogues and twists and a cool ending. I normally write poetry in one breath, the same way it should be read. But I don’t write every day. I read a lot instead.

      2. I understand Bo. Reading a lot is a big part of our lives.

    1. Thank you for your wonderful wishes. Love and blessings to you too.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read Dave. I am glad you liked the advise.
      I hope everything is well with you.

  3. Dearest Button,

    I am so excited. I went straight to the full interview and it is a brilliant one indeed. We, your followers learn many more interesting facts about you on the full interview in Glamour. The interviewer did a great job. You spoke from the heart and boldly too. I was so delighted with your honesty and bravery about what your next book will include.

    I can’t express how delighted I am for you. I will be purchasing the magazine today. I can’t wait. Please take a moment to enjoy and savor this amazing accomplishment and there will be many more.

    Love ❤️,

    1. My Dearest Honeybun, thank you so much for reading and for your wonderful words.

      “I was so delighted with your honesty and bravery ” That makes me happy.

      “Please take a moment to enjoy and savor this amazing accomplishment and there will be many more.” I’ll try. I hope I find that moment.
      Sending love and blessings to you hon. Be happy. Enjoy your day.

      1. I am just so happy for you Button. Thank you for the love and blessings. I read your interview and it gave me a lot of courage, so thank you for that.

        Sending much love back,

      2. I am so glad to hear honeybun.
        Thank you for the love and support.

    1. Thank you so much. I am glad you think so. I will be in touch soon. Enjoy the rest of your day and thank you again.

      1. You too sweetheart. Stay safe. Stay inspired ❤️🥰🌹

    1. Ingrid, thank you so much for your support. I do repeat myself but I want you to know how much you being here means for me. I hope everything is well with you. Sending you plenty of love. Enjoy the rest of your day.

      1. I feel like I did not do enough to repay your kindness. That’s the way I feel. ❤️

  4. I love this answer so so much…I totally 100 percent agree with all of this statement you made! “Read. Write. Do not compare yourself with others. Stay close to people who inspire and help. Stay true to your heart… Forget about social constraints. Social constraints are put in place by structures of power that fear talent of any kind. They fear progress because…. Greatness always encounters resistance.”

    1. Rene, I so much appreciate your support. I don’t know about the stars but your friendship brightens my day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful words.
      Sending love and huge hugs.

      1. You are too kind Rene. Thank you again. You made me blush 🌸😊🌹🥰

  5. I read it fully dear Gabriela. I love all of it which is honestly replied. ❤️❤️ You are my favourite poet for a reason and your writings never disappoint me. Love you dear Gabriela. And congratulations on your poetry interview. 🤗🤗

    1. Oh, thank you so much for reading and for the praise. You touched my heart. Love you too my wonderful friend. May happiness and success be always with you. You made my day.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Susi. I hope you are doing well,

      1. Thank you Susi. I am glad you are well. Wishing you success too.

    1. Oh, Java that is so sweet of you to say. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    1. I am glad to hear that. Thank you for the congrats and for the read.

    1. Oh, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You made my afternoon.
      Big hugs.

    1. Santiago, muchas gracias por tus palabras amables; de verdad me levantaron el ánimo.

      1. Gracias de nuevo, Santiago. Ten un buen fin de semana.

  6. Congratulations my dear talented Gabriela. I loved the whole interview. and I learned more about you too. I left this comment on their site. “As Jo Niederhoff, Manhattan Book Review states, ““Where Milton really shines is in her imagery. ”
    Gabriela is one of my favorite living poets. Her poems are alive, exciting vignettes, that take you by the hand and put you in her every scene. She is always a surprising writer who not only has uber -talent, but who is a selfless, helping hand for so many inspiring writers. She encourages, inspires and never competes. I am so glad you chose to shine the spotlight on Gabriela in your magazine. I really enjoyed your interview.
    Reply “Your are such a special persona!! ❤️🤗🌹

    1. Karima, my beautiful and talented friend. What can I say? I am humbled beyond words by your comment and your gesture. I have tears in my eyes. Please know that you are one of my favorite poets too. I love your work. I cherish it. Your creativity blows me away.

      “never competes” That’s true. How did you notice that?

      Sending you a huge hugs and plenty of love.
      Enjoy the rest of your day.

      1. It’s very obvious my friend, your open happiness for other’s successes and your willingness to support and generously inspire and share your knowledge and experience with other writers..just gives you away 🤗❤️🌟🦋

      2. Karima, you are so sweet. Thank you again for your support and for everything you have done for me. It means a lot. I hope your day it’s beautiful hon. I’ll visit with you soon 🥰❤️🌹🥰❤️🌹

  7. poetry is the magnificence which reflects upon the landscape of our souls – there’s so much that can be quoted from your interview but this spoke to me most! Truly rich conversation with a lot of inspiration 💛

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my hear hon. I am trilled you enjoy that praze.

  8. Read. Beautiful, powerful, and inspirational, are you, my friend. THIS, “They will try to crush your work because it threatens them, and the “righteousness” of their oppressive narratives. Keep going. Greatness always encounters resistance. Let the passion from your heart guide you.:” THAT is amazing, and complete TRUTH. I adore this interview, and am honored to engage with your work, and to know you, Gabriela. Wonderful. ❤️

    1. Here is Jeff, my talented friend, complimenting me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am glad you like that passage. I am glad you enjoyed the interview. Please know I am honored to engage with your work too. I love your work Jeff.

      1. You are so kind, Gabriela. I appreciate you. I loved that passage, and the interview was grand. Thank you for the lovely compliment, my friend. Fills my heart.❤️ xoxo

      2. My pleasure Jeff, and thank you again 🥰❤️🌹

    1. Navin, thank you so much for your kind support.
      Sending plenty of love. Have a beautiful Friday.

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your kind words mean the world to me.

    1. Christine, it’s so good to hear from you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kind words and wishes.
      I hope everything is well with you. I do not know what happened because for quite a while I cannot see any posts from you coming in my reader. I am going to check your site right now to make sure we did not get disconnected.
      Wishing you a beautiful weekend

  9. Congratulations!! Your advice to writers is excellent! I naturally spend more time reading than writing poetry and love letting other treasured writers really come alive for me and their lines and style naturally light the way for my own ones, and their work really seen and appreciated by me as well! I love looking up bios & learning about the lives of artists who feel so kin to me. Quality time it feels like 🙂

  10. Such a great interview Gabriella! Congratulations. Your words inspire and it is clear you are living your life true to your passion and following your heart in subjects near and dear to our heart. You are an inspiration. What do you use a pen name if it’s so hard to market and do book tours etc.
    Keep inspiring. Love your favorite authors…💖💖💖 👏👏👏👏👏

    1. Hi Cindy,

      You were right. I missed your comment on my interview. Thank you so much for your support and your wonderful words. They mean a lot to me.

      “What do you use a pen name if it’s so hard to market and do book tours etc.” Because I believe writing poetry will negatively impact my career. The idea that women can do as they please is false. Think of a woman who is a CEO. If she writes poetry who is going to listen to her in a board meeting? In fact the very next day the board meets she may not even have a job. We leave in a patriarchal society. I will stop here.

      So, yes, there is almost no way for me to promote my books. I have to rely on my publisher and my social media followers.

      Again, thank you so much for your wonderful comment. May your day be filled with happiness.

      1. Oh good glad you found it Gabriela… It is a pleasure to support your most valued and important work💖💖.

        That makes a lot of sense Gabriella. Maybe I’m naive in saying as I know this is true but changing in some ways. There seems to be a movement shifting that and you of anyone can help change that. Look at the great woman writers of our times. Although you may not want to do book tours etc which I totally get. You are a woman of power and substance and never underestimate your power. Maybe there will be a time you will feel like “coming out” and I want to be at that party for sure.

        Thanks for the wishes and to you as well my friend. 💖🙏🙏❣️

      2. Oh, Cindy, my dear this is so humbling. You brought tears to my eyes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. If it happens you will be my guest of honor 🙏👏❤️🥰

      3. awwww well, I only speak truth and glad you feel the intended sentiments. That’s so great, I’m truly honored.. 💖❤️❤️🌷🌷🤗

    1. Thank you so much Gina. It means a lot to me you took the time to read the interview.
      Stay safe. Be well. Sending love.

  11. A wonderful interview, Gabriela. How does anyone make an interview sound poetic?! I loved hearing that another book will be out soon and that a children’s book lies in the future. Congrats on the feature!

    1. Diana, thank you so much for the congrats for for taking the time to read the interview.
      ” How does anyone make an interview sound poetic?!” If I did that I did not do it in purpose.
      Have a beautiful evening and thank you again for the visit.

  12. Your answers sounds truly honest. Its great to hear about your success🥳
    Keep achieving more alongside beating all the obstacles!!⚘

  13. Excellent interview, Gabriela. Plenty of interesting facts and advice. I think you struck on a very important one, when you mentioned not comparing yourself to others.

    1. Thank you, Mark! I am thrilled you liked it.

      “I think you struck on a very important one, when you mentioned not comparing yourself to others.” I am glad you think so too 🙂

    1. Francine, I am so grateful to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙏🌹🥰

  14. Great interview G, and a wonderful advice for aspiring writers like me. I’ve always marveled at your writing style, it’s intriguing and so intimate. Wish you more success and glory 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for reading and commenting Tanya. Deeply grateful to you.
      Tanya, you are such a great writer. I am glad you liked the advice but I do not think you need any. Your pieces are exceptional 🌹

      1. It’s my pleasure I did miss out on your pieces in between, will read and leave my feedback. I’m very self conscious as a writer but thank you so much for your appreciation.

      2. Thank you too Tanya. You made my day beautiful. Do not forget you are extremely talented 🥰🌹❤️

      3. It’s my pleasure G, I did miss out on your pieces in between, wish to read them and leave my feedback. I’m a very self-conscious writer hence any appreciation from you means a lot. 💐💐

  15. Beautiful interview and congratulations. I really aligned with the part where you talked of power being so fearful of creativity. I love this forum due to this fact. It allows us a way to have ownership of our material and meet with people of all persuasions in the guise of honoring what I see as the world soul. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thomas, thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. I am glad you liked that part. Indeed this forum allows us to express our creativity.

      “meet with people of all persuasions in the guise of honoring what I see as the world soul.” Beautifully said. Thank you for these words too.
      Have a great weekend ahead.

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