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My Poem You Night Included in Vita Brevis Poetry Anthology, III

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Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Heyser – Ophelia/ public domain

My Poem You Night Included in Nothing Divine Dies: The Poetry of Nature (Vita Brevis Poetry Anthology, III)

I learned how to read in the mint forest under a pale October moon.
My eyes, blueberries mama gathered in her wicker basket.
The unassuaged yearnings of a golden autumn spread under my skin.
I found the rivers where fish were born, and nightingales sang.
I thought to myself: you, night, how beautiful you are crowned with black poppies and nursing ancient lovers at your chest.
A boat sailed straight through my heart.
The earth stretched its arms to pick up stars.
Then a war started.
A bat-eyed wind blew, and the earth turned toward itself.
And I thought to myself: you night, how painful you are.
Tell me something after I die and before tomorrow’s departure.
Let me wear twelve sage leaves on my lips.
Let my body blossom on the Hill of Slane when the breath of sleep rises from the empty crypt.
You night, how wise you are.

The Anthology

From the publisher:

“From a shaft of sunlight warming the kitchen floor to a lush forest by Walden pond, what is it about experiencing nature that pleases and fulfills us? In the third volume of the Vita Brevis Poetry Anthology, established and emerging poets from around the world show what nature means to them. This is nature poetry at its most precise and moving, continuing the long tradition of Transcendentalism, deciphering ourselves and the world that sustains us — with art.”

Vita Brevis Anthology


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On a different note, this month I will features two poetry collections published or to be published by two of your fellow poets. Please stay tuned for more news.

Thank You and Happy New Year Everyone.

Gabriela Marie Milton
#1 Amazon Bestseller Author
Woman: Splendor and Sorrow :I Love Poems and Poetic Prose
Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings

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