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Souls by Gabriela Marie Milton translated into French by Miriam Descendres

Joseph Mallord William Turner – The Decline of the Carthaginian Empire, Public Domain

When Miriam sent me the French translation of my poem Souls I was waiting for a train to nowhere at the corner of Friday and Saturday.

Oh, fragile blossom of my dreams how friendship and beauty go together.

Miriam, thank you for bringing tears of joy into my life. Thank you for being you. Thank you for this marvelous translation. Thank you for giving me “the kind of things that money just can’t buy.”

Souls by Gabriela Marie Milton

I had to go through your soul
to get to mine
once in mine
I wish
I would have stayed in yours
memories of that port where demons haunted you
empty chests
our hearts taken out every evening
mornings pumping despair and agony
no blood left
between your soul and mine
an autumn naked sky

French translation by Miriam Descendres

Il me fallu traverser tes méandres
Pour revenir en moi-même;
une fois parvenu,
combien aurais-je désirer
être encore en ton âme.

Les bateaux…
Mémoires de ces ports
où les démons hantent
Les battants de ta poitrine.

Et nos coeur laissés là à l’abandon;
chaque soir; pour de nouveau pulser
sous les feux de l’aube,
entre désespoir et agonie.

De sang, il n’en reste plus goutte
s’écoulant en mon âme, la tienne. …

et cet automne comme un ciel mis à nu.

You can find Miriam on Twitter

The poem Souls is included in my first collection of poetry Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings (Vita Brevis Press, 2020) available on Amazon here.

Gabriela Marie Milton
#1 Amazon Bestseller Author
Woman: Splendor and Sorrow :I Love Poems and Poetic Prose
Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings

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