Sahara #poem #poetry #poetry collection

The water bucket was brought by a woman.
She left.
Her child needed to be fed.
The time comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.
Between my thirst and this bucket of water,
Between the consciousness of man and that of the stars,
Matter passes from blue to gold.
Your love gives way to his.

My book, Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings, can be ordered here.
Thank you.

@Gabriela Marie Milton

image: Liliya Kulianionak; Shutterstock; [link]

203 thoughts on “Sahara #poem #poetry #poetry collection

  1. Absolutely magnificent and gorgeous poem!!! 😍
    I feel the beauty of the desert of Sahara! β˜€οΈβ™₯️
    I love so much your poem!!! 😍
    I send you a very big hug full of affection!!! πŸ€—πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ xoxoxo πŸ’–

    1. My Dearest Ely,
      Your words touched my heart. You are such a talented and supportive friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sending you love, hugs, and roses. Have a fabulous week ahead sweetheart.

      1. Thank you infinitely from my heart!!! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€—β™₯️β™₯️πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ
        Have a great and wonderful week!!! πŸ₯°β™₯️ xoxoxo

      2. My pleasure and thank you again πŸŒΊπŸ€—πŸŒΈπŸ’•β€οΈπŸ’πŸŒΉπŸ’

    1. Thank you so much Bo. And congratulations again for the new publications. They are beautiful.

    1. Thank you my beautiful Queen of Poetry. You are a gem. I hope everything is well. Sending you love.

      1. Aw… you made my morning. Thank you again and please take good care of you.

  2. Stunning. So evocative. Almost visceral. Effortlessly beautiful and beautifully effortless. I have been reading your works and they have set a bar for me. Just how simply you use your tools of words and frame them to absolute πŸ’“. Your works are almost euphoric and make me think. And rethink. What is love?

    1. You comment left me breathless. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am humbled by your words and most grateful to you. I do not know what else to say. Thank you again!!!!

      1. You are absolutely welcome Gabriela. I literally fell in love with this poem. How love blooms even in the harshest of places.

      2. Thank you again.
        “How love blooms even in the harshest of places.” Isn’t that the truth?

    1. My Dearest Punam, thank you so much. You are a gem. Have a fantastic week ahead: a week filled with love and happiness.

      1. Thank you hon πŸ’πŸ€—πŸŒΈπŸ’•β€οΈπŸŒΊπŸŒ·β™₯️

  3. So beautifully thought provoking and gorgeous in its simplicity. I see God in this piece and I am sure people will see many different things which makes it such a great piece. Have a blessed day my dear friend. Love to you honeybun 🌸🌺❀️

    1. Hello honeybun.
      You are so sweet. I missed you and your beautiful writings. I am going to catch up with more of your poems soon. I hope you are well and your morning is filled with love.
      May you have a blessed week
      Love you
      G (button)

    1. Thank you so much Shsntanu. It means a lot to me. Have a beautiful week ahead.

      1. Sweetheart, I saw a beautiful poem published by you in Indian Periodical. I hope I did not dream it. However, I cannot get to your site. I don’t know what’s up. I’ll sort that out as soon as I can.

      2. Your words means a lot to me. Please take your time.
        Thank you so much for this. Hearty happy πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      3. My pleasure sweetheart. I have to talk to WP and see why I can’t get to your site anymore. I’ll fix it soon.

  4. This is incredible Gabriela❀ I absolutely loved how you started and ended this poem, and how you filled love in between, and all over. This is so amazing🌸❀❀😍

    Love, hugs and blessings sweetheart❀❀
    Stay safe🌷😘

    1. My dearest Ishita, your comment is so beautiful. I am so grateful to you sweetheart. May your week be filled with love in between, and all over. May you be happy forever.

  5. So many artists choose either quality or quantity. You happen to be prolific, and yet, you don’t sacrifice even one word. Beautiful!

    1. Ay… Rob. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your magnificent comment and for your kind support. Trying to do my best πŸ™‚
      Take care my talented friend. Enjoy the week.

    1. Devika, I am humbled by your words. Thank you so much. I don’t know. Perhaps I am but not more than you are.

    1. Thank you so much Katy. I am really humbled by your beautiful words. Love and hugs to you sweetheart.

    1. Oh, thank you to you for anther beautiful comment. Sending you lots of hugs.

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment Charlie. You are so generous my friend. You made my evening.
      Sending you love and blessings.

      1. I am grateful for the blessings and the peace. And I am thrilled you enjoyed the piece, Charlie πŸŒΈπŸ’•πŸŒΈπŸ’•

  6. You, G, are incapable of writing anything that is not lovely. This poem makes me think a lot about balances and relationships between things that are opposite or distant from each other. Sands and water, man and the stars, blue and gold, lovers. I feel I’m standing in a kind of between space admiring the point where all those things intersect, and it’s beautiful. Thank you for taking me to that place.

    1. Good morning David. Thank you for such a marvelous comment.
      “I feel I’m standing in a kind of between space admiring the point where all those things intersect, and it’s beautiful.” I feel do not deserve your magnificent words. But here they are and I can’t be more grateful for your support and for everything you have done for me. I hope everything is well. When you get a chance could you please update me?
      Have a great day.

      1. Good morning!

        You are more than welcome. If the words of my comment are at all magnificent it is only because I had the magnificent words of your poem to inspire me.

        Everything is quite well with me. I go back to school in August to begin my doctoral studies in the field of instructional design and development. No word yet on finding a publisher. I’m giving attention to a couple other projects for a little while.

        You have a great day too!


      2. Oh, thank you, thank, thank you. David. You are so kind to me.
        I am thrilled you are going for a doctoral degree. I like the filed too. It’s going to be a wonderful ride. I know you will be the best. I am excited about.

        It takes a while to find a publisher. Hang in there. It’s going to happened.
        Have a great day too and thank you for the update. Oh, are you guys going to attend classes in person ?

      3. You are welcome once again, and thank you once again for your kind encouragement. It means a lot to me.

        I believe a few classes are going to be in person, but the majority are going to be online.

    1. My dearest Nabeela, thank you for your question. You can click on the Shutterstock link [proper attribution under the image] and you can see for yourself how the artist tagged her work. The rest – like any art – it’s up to interpretation.

      1. A bridge between matter and spirit; between gold and blue. The link between the consciousness of man and that of the stars. She has blue hair and she caries blue feathers: spirit. She is dressed in gold: matter.

    1. Oh, Manuela, this is such a beautiful comment. Thank you so much. Stay safe. Love and hugs.

  7. My dear Gabriela, your writing is so consistently magnificent. I felt the sands of time stand still, between the bucket and the thirst, on a precipice of transformation. It reads like a mirage, or perhaps like the blurry delirium of thirst in a desert. And I love these lines

    β€œTimes comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.”

    Sigh. So gorgeous.

    Now, my beautiful friend, are you back from vacation? I hope you have some tales and some secrets and also that you are feeling renewed and relaxed. Sending you a big glass full of love. Brimming with it.

    1. My fabulous and beautiful Rachel,
      “your writing is so consistently magnificent.” Oh, thank you so much. You are a magnificent poetess and a sweetheart.

      ” And I love these lines
      β€œTimes comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.”
      I am so glad you like those lines.

      I came back Saturday at noon. I have plenty of secrets. I am not saying anything here. It was a marvelous vacation in the mist of a world that suffers so much. That made the vacation a bit weird. It felt like I was on another planet.
      Rachel, I miss your poetry. I hope you are well. Please let me know when you can.
      Oh, the glass full of love. I wrapped my palms around it and I could feel so much love. Thank you.
      Sending you two glasses filled with love and one beautiful rose.

      1. β€œI have plenty of secrets. I am not saying anything here.” This says much. I hope they are the kinds of secrets that make you smile or sigh when you think of them. Sometimes it’s not a bad thing to feel on another planet, away from all the suffering of the world. I know how much you feel it.

        I am well thank you honey. I have been working a little too much perhaps and not sleeping the best, but other than that I’m ok.

        I warmed my cold hands on those glasses of your love and stared at the rose which warmed my heart too. Magnificent poem. Love, R xoxoxox

      2. “I hope they are the kinds of secrets that make you smile or sigh when you think of them.” Yes, they are πŸ™‚
        ” I have been working a little too much perhaps and not sleeping the best” I really hope you are well Rachel. I worry about you. I know that under certain circumstances it could be difficult but please find time to rest. Promise me?
        “I warmed my cold hands on those glasses of your love and stared at the rose which warmed my heart too.” Oh, you are so sweet and those words are splendid. Thank you so much. Talking about splendid words when are you going to post again? I need to read something written by the poetess of my heart. No pressure. Just know that I miss your writings.
        Sending you plenty of love.

      3. Speaking of not sleeping…. I’m doing the math and by my calculations, a certain someone, name beginning with G, should be sleeping right now 😘. But, I can’t say I’m not glad to see a reply from you not long after you sent it. And, that you have secrets that make you smile or sigh makes me smile and sigh too. I promise I’ll find time to rest G, maybe an early night for me tonight. For now I’m cooking dinner and pausing to chat with my wonderful Gabriela. I can’t seem to write at the moment, I don’t know why…. I need some inspiration maybe. That is a hint dear G, should you wish to accept it. I so often draw inspiration from you. I’m sure there are hints of you in so many of my poems.

        Love you, R πŸ’œ

      4. Oh, I am so glad you took time from cooking to reply. Thank you for that Rachel. What’s for dinner?
        I can’t sleep either so I am trying to work.
        “I so often draw inspiration from you. I’m sure there are hints of you in so many of my poems.” Thank you again Rachel. I don’t know if I can do it but I will try. My beautiful Rachel deserves a lot.
        Enjoy your dinner sweetheart and have a great sleep. The wine is on me πŸ™‚

      5. I am making a vegetarian lasagne – it’s cold and I wanted something hot and filling. Funny, I like to have a glass of red when I cook, but then leave it at that. I should really shift this to while I eat?

        I hope you do sleep soon honey. Do you feel rested after your break?

      6. Oh, vegetarian lasagne, sounds great. I think you should shift that while you eat.
        No, I don’t feel rested. I am too tired Rachel. I had 10 days of vacation in which I had to write about 50 emails every day and put time aside to do research (I can access the library remotely) . It is what it is. Partially it is my fault. I could slow down a bit, but…
        Again, enjoy your dinner honey and have a beautiful sleep. Take good care of yourself.

      7. β€œI could slow down a bit, but…”
        I would love to see your end of this sentence. What do I think?? You could, but you are talented, and it is important that the world gets to benefit from this talent. But, I want YOU to benefit from your talent, and enjoy… everything. Your holiday sounds hectic!!! Anyway, I hope you sleep now, I’m going to see how this lasagne is faring in the oven. Sleep soon honey, and take good care of yourself too xoxoxo

      1. Oh, I see. Someday I would like to hear more about your experiences.

  8. “Times comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.” I could sit inside those lines forever. Read this a few times. And outloud. Your words and this picture are a sphere unto themselves. Masterful. Once again my head is spinning. Huge hugs and….WOW. ❀️❀️❀️

    1. Thank you so much Katy. You are talented and generous. It’s a joy and an honor to have you as a friend. I am beyond grateful for your love and your support.
      HUGS! I mean: HUGE HUGS!

      1. My pleasure!!! I know I keep saying the same things over and over but it’s just true! You keep writing such beauty over and over!!! πŸ˜… HUGE HUGS right back at You, Beautiful Gabriela! Have a great rest of Your week! πŸ€—β€οΈπŸ˜Š

    1. Thank you so much for your willingness to share. I am very grateful to you for that.

  9. This poem reminds me of colorfully-dressed water men in Morocco (evoked by the title), bearing brass vessels of water drawn from distant wells. It’s an age-old practice of peddling water and, like in your poem, time comes between their customers’ thirst and that cup of water.

      1. You are welcome , you may enjoy some of my work too. There’s such a great community of talented poets online! I’m only starting out 😊

      2. Good luck to you. I will visit with you as soon as my time permits. Have a beautiful weekend, dear.

  10. Lovely poem! I read (and adored) your book of poetry! “Wooden Bed” was my favorite! What was your inspiration when writing that poem? This may be far-fetched, but, I am a beginner poet and it would absolutely make my day if we could do a collab!! If you want to just send me an email, if not, that’s fine too!

    1. My most sincere thanks for reading my poetry and supporting me. I am very grateful to you and happy you loved “Wooden Bed.”
      “What was your inspiration when writing that poem?” Thank you for your question. I am not ready to talk about that but one day I may.
      ” am a beginner poet and it would absolutely make my day if we could do a collab!!” I am more than willing to look into that but I cannot do it before Thanksgiving. We can talk about after. Good luck with everything.

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