Free Verse Revolution Issue II (hermes): Interview with Gabriela Marie Milton #poetry #interview

image: original cover of the magazine

Dear Readers,

Free Verse Revolution Issue II (hermes) is out. Congratulations to the contributors, and thank you to Kristiana Reed, its wonderful editor, for featuring an interview with me and two pieces of my poetic prose.

Below please find the interview. I will feature my published pieces in future posts.

Free Verse Revolution Issue II Interview with Gabriela Marie Milton

KRISTIANA: We would love for you to introduce yourself and share
when you began writing and why you decided to share your work with

GABRIELA: I may have scribbled some poetry in high school, but
basically, I started writing in the period between my undergraduate
studies and my graduate ones. Now, I write poetry and short prose under
the name Gabriela Marie Milton. Three or four years ago, I published my
first poems under Gabriela M. Today, my standard introduction is: Hello
My Dear Readers, I am Gabriela Marie Milton, 2019 Author of the Year at
Spillwords Press NYC, author of Passions: Love Poems and Other Writings,
editor of MasticadoresUSA, and author of the forthcoming collection of
poems and poetic prose entitled Woman: Splendor and Sorrow to be
published by Vita Brevis Press this summer. My favorite poet is Arthur
Rimbaud. My all-time favorite novelist is Lawrence Durrell. My heart
trembles at Salvador Dali’s surrealism, and it is stolen by Chopin every
other week. To enchant some readers who may find such an introduction
boring, here is a little more about me: I love Italian food, narrow cobbled
streets, cats, and oceans. My favorite color is mauve. I was born in
Europe, and I live in the USA.
Honestly, initially it was not my decision to share my work, as intriguing
as it may sound. Yet, things happened. I will leave it at that.

KRISTIANA: How would you describe your collection, Passions: Love
Poems and Other Writings, to those new to your work?

GABRIELA: To me the collective unconscious– as conceptualized by Jung
– represents another level of existence that we, as humans, share. In
Passions I tried to penetrate that level and bring out perhaps its most
important element: memories. Passions is a book of vivid and lush images
brought to light using symbolist, surrealist, and romantic techniques. It is
a book for everyone. It is a call to immortality. It is a journey through the
corridors of our collective unconscious. I wrote Passions – like all my
other writings – almost in a trance. Passions is that which I feel, not
necessarily that which I know.
Some pieces included in Passions are influenced by Gnosticism with
which I first became acquainted by reading Umberto Eco, Jorge Luis
Borges, Lawrence Durrell, and others.
To wrap it up, Passions is what Christina Schwarz, the author of the New
York Times Bestseller “Drowning Ruth,” described as “a fantastic world
ripe with emotion.” I am deeply grateful to her for that description.

KRISTIANA: Your prose pieces often have dominant themes of love and
heartache, what draws you to romantic storytelling?

GABRIELA: Mama used to say that I am a romantic story. I, the subject,
am the same with the object (i.e. my story). The object does not exist
independent from me. Something similar to the concept of endopathy
anticipated by Dante: “he who would paint a figure, if he cannot become
that figure, cannot portray it.” Yet, when mama said what she said she
was not thinking of Dante. She was thinking of Kant’s transcendental
idealism. She made me read Kant when I was in high school. I did it with
packs of ice on my head. On every page there were about 10 to15 words
that I did not understand. It was an interesting experience to say the

KRISTIANA: What are your inspirations? Are they musical, literary,
ekphrastic, or all three?

GABRIELA: Something more than all three together: the plan of the
unconscious. From there my inspiration flows like a river. In there, I find
light and darkness, the whole and its parts, sonorous images with their
unmistakable language, memories of the future and of the past, the sound
of germinating wheat, the entire world.

KRISTIANA: You recently announced your next collection is coming
soon, can you give us a synopsis and explain the impact you hope this
collection will have on your readers?

GABRIELA: Woman: Splendor and Sorrow, is a collection of love poems
and poetic prose. I hope my readers will be interested in this collection. It
will be published by Vita Brevis Press at the end of July. Here is part of
what I wrote in the dedication in an attempt to describe my own book:

My Dear Readers,
My favorite novelist, Lawrence Durrell, once asked:

Who invented the human heart, I wonder? Tell me, and then show me the
place where he was hanged.”
If you read this book, you will find that place. Yet make no mistake. It is
not a sad place. In the pages you are about to read, I resurrect the one who
invented the human heart. The splendors of candlelight and roses and the
taste of gingerbread dwell in this book. Partake in them.
The core of this book is love. Yet you will also find in it philosophical thoughts
on literature, on winning and losing, on hate, on feminism, and on life in
My dear reader, from wherever you are in this world, walk with me on the
beautiful path of the human heart. I promise you will not regret doing so. On
this road you will find love and the symbols that define us as humans.

KRISTIANA: Issue II draws upon Hermes from the Olympic pantheon,
why do you think we continue to reinvent and rejuvenate myths and
stories of old? Do you have a particular myth/story you remember

GABRIELA: Oh, myths, none of our civilizations have ever survived
without them. We all have a mythical part so to speak. Myths express
ontological and moral ideas. Their splendid supernaturality reflects our
desire to transcend the materiality of the world, to find our beginnings,
and to anticipate the future. Codes, symbols. Their faces may change in
time, but they never become old.

I have many stories I remember fondly. However, in myths, as well as in
most major religions, there is one thing that fascinates me the most: the
fall. Something goes wrong with our world because somebody errs. In
most cases that somebody is a woman. Certain Gnostics believe that our
material world is not the creation of the real God. The world is the
creation of the demiurge (a lesser God) who came into being because of
Sophia’s fall.
I remember when I first visited Santorini. One early morning, caught
between its breathtaking views and the blue of the Mediterranean, I
realized that nobody could have ever lived in Greece without concocting
myths. The beauty of that place refuses itself to rationality. One needs an
entire mythology to absorb it.

KRISTIANA: Would you describe yourself as multifaceted like Hermes?
Could you use three words to describe yourself?

GABRIELA: Hermes is a fascinating figure. He is the messenger of Gods.
Some see him as the Logos itself. However, Hermes is also the god of
thieves and liars. The Greeks did not leave one single human trait without
a God. You must hand it to them.
To answer your question, I do not think of myself as multifaceted. Three
words to describe myself: I am mystery. Why? Because I am like anyone
else. We all have a sight that we do not understand. Perhaps we are not
supposed to.

KRISTIANA: You are a long time, and very appreciated, supporter of FVR
and other online platforms, what do you feel the online community has
brought to the traditional world of writing and publishing?

GABRIELA: The online community allows people to express their talents
without having to go through more cumbersome conventional processes.
It gives voice to the poor, and to the misunderstood. It gives voice to
those who are unconventional. It allows us to dwell in a multiplicity of
talents. It forces us to rediscover ourselves.

Thank you for reading. Please download the entire issue here.

MasticadoresUSA Update

There are two beautiful poems up at MasticadoresUSA.

Ghost in The Machine by Swarn Gill (read here)

May Your Wings Soar by Andrew McDowell (read here)

Do not forget to follow MasticadoresUSA.

Thank you

@Gabriela Marie Milton

111 thoughts on “Free Verse Revolution Issue II (hermes): Interview with Gabriela Marie Milton #poetry #interview

    1. Thank you so much sweetheart. It means a lot to me your read it. Love and hugs right back to you 🌹❤️🥰

  1. Salvador Dali and Chopin, two of my old-time faves as well. I never read Lawrence Durrell, I’m afraid, but considering he was friends with Henry Miller, he’s gotta be good. So, where should I start?

    I really enjoyed the interview. Well-done, Gab.

    1. Bo, hon, thank you so much for reading and for your wonderful comment. I am glad to hear about Chopin and Dali.
      Haha. You nail it. Durrell revered Henry Miller. Yes, I think you will enjoy Durrell’s “The Alexandria Quartet.” I have to warn you, hon, Durrell was accused of being obsessed with love complications (what a “horrible” thing – we have to live our lives according to the principles of the Victorian era, don’t we?) and despite being British, he hated England. The English did not forgive him for that. English dictionaries give him the cold shoulder. Who cares? He was by many accounts the greatest novelist of the 20th century. There is a dose of eroticisms in his writings. I do not think that is going to cloud your judgement. You are a big girl.
      Bo, thank you again. Please let me know how is your mom, when you can.

      1. Yes, I am. Sounds intriguing.
        (It’s pancreat.cancer Gab, so though she feels better now, it’s not good in the long run. Up to a year, my dr said yesterday. I’ve cried my eyes out today…speaking of being a good girl.)

      2. Bo, I am sooooo sorry. Sweetheart, out of respect for you and because I know how it feels I am not going to write any platitudes here like: things will be fine, let’s think positive, etc… Please know that my heart is with you, that I think of you, and that I have tears in my eyes. I am just going to say this: Hang in there Bo. There is no other alternative. Is it going to be easy? No. You got to go through this one and its going to hurt like hell.
        Love you Bo. Love to little B and to everyone around you.
        If you want to talk you can reach out anytime you want.

  2. A wonderful conversation, it flows like a river, you like to dive into it … and again and again, because you always find something new, in your words. And a chance to get to know you better, Gabriela, thank You for this opportunity.

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your wonderful comment. It means a lot when you read me. You made me happy. How are things with you? Any new poetry readings?

      1. Thank You, And Thanks for asking.
        Yes, as always i have some trumph cards…
        Tomorrow its the chance for reading in Pyramid on the garden of one painter, big, special:),She is a wild woman….and next has to doing with Olympic games,this thing really touches Olympic on every level, its a real challenge!
        Slowly work on the poem…slowly but surely…waiting for the right time.
        we will see!

        Gabriela, i wish just THE BEST, send milions roses from the plane and love, life, poetry !

      2. My pleasure. Oh, that’s exciting. I can’t wait to read more details. I am sure you can overcome any challenge and shine. Wishing you good luck and enjoy every minute.
        I got the roses from the plane. They are beautiful. Thank you very much.
        Love, life, and poetry to you too. And one beautiful rose.
        Please keep me updated.

      3. Thank You very much, this reading will be for You, when it is done, I will definitely let You know, this will be done really for you, thank you. It should be … very experimental, imagine that it occurred to me during an interview with the leader of the medieval dance club, she alerted me to a small detail and suddenly I saw it, perhaps already written and recorded and cut, that I dedicate to you, it only clicked now … have the best … most poetically and in a moment we will be in the embrace of dreams, here in Czech,hello, Gabriella!

      4. A reading for me? Aw… I hardly can contain my joy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

        “she alerted me to a small detail and suddenly I saw it, perhaps already written and recorded and cut, that I dedicate to you, it only clicked now,” Thank you. That really touches me deeply. I will patiently wait to hear the reading.
        “here in Czech,hello, Gabriella!” 🙂
        Hello from the US my dearest friend. I can’t hardly wait to be able to travel and visit the Golden City once again. What a beautiful country you have!
        Sending lots of love your way!

      5. Nice evening, beatiful lady,So tomorrow, readings in The Pyramid…IT Will be Real surprise Fór You,our age And medieval Are together in one speciál poem, for You, Gabriela. We live a Story, we Are the Story, i loved IT, Thanks for this experience,my lady,And see You tomorrow,maybe,friday, my friend painter ,Shes too much Wild;) we Will see looking to forward meet You in The Pyramid,my lady,Hat down

      6. Aw.. thank you so much. I am deeply moved by your gesture. I can’t wait for that special poem.
        Sending you hugs and flowers.
        Have a magnificent evening.

    1. Thank you so much Ingrid. You are a sweetheart. I am deeply grateful for your support. Enjoy the rest of your day.
      Love and hugs to you.

  3. I enjoyed learning a bit about your background and your inspirations. As I read the interview, the name Lawrence Durrell jumped out at my eyes. A fun coincidence: My family and I are watching the four seasons of “The Durrells in Corfu.” The show’s opening sequence says the show was based on Gerald Durrell’s books. However, I haven’t looked them up to learn more. Nor have I thought of checking out Lawrence’s books. I’ve been more taken in by the storyline of the show — which is charming 🙂

    1. Hi, Dave, that you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. I highly appreciate them. Funny indeed. Gerald was his brother. They both wrote about the period when the family lived in Corfu, but their accounts are highly divergent.
      Anyway, thank you for mentioning “The Durrells in Corfu.” I have to watch it.
      Have a great day and thank you once again for your wonderful comment.

  4. What a fascinating interview, Gab!

    Chopin steals my heart too, and neither will I forget the first time I saw Santorini.

    After reading your words about your work and everything else, I feel closer. Much love!

    1. Thank you so much for reading Basilike. Your words are music to my ears. I am grateful for each and one of them.
      “After reading your words about your work and everything else, I feel closer. ” I am glad to hear that. Perhaps I told you that your writing speaks to me in ways that is hard for me to understand. But I don’t try to understand. I just let myself feel when I read you. And you are always by me in those moments.
      Love to you sweetheart. Have a beautiful evening. You in Athens now?

      1. I wouldn’t like to miss an interview of yours. As your poetry takes me places, I loved a chance to know what is your inspiration or your approach to writing. I was impressed by your writing your books in a trance and, in a way, I am now better able to understand their dreamy quality.

        I am really honored that you find something in my work that speaks to you. And I agree that feeling is more important than understanding. It’s what makes us feel so close to one another even though we are so far apart.

        I am in Athens, having a really good time actually 😉 I hope you are having a beautiful evening too. Hugs!

      2. Thank you again for your kind words hon. I am the one who is honored believe me.
        Have a good time! Enjoy every second. Enjoy the beauty of the place, it’s way of speaking to those who listened, and the way love grows from its ravishing views. Be happy 🥰❤️🌹

  5. Mama used to say that I am a romantic story. I, the subject, am the same with the object (i.e. my story). The object does not exist independent from me.

    Wise Mama <3

    Much love,

    1. Thank you David. Sorry I made some typos in this post. My right shoulder hurts.
      Now that I think again about what Mama said the words of my favorite novelist resonate more. I paraphrase: I have no biography. Art does not require one. I am just a character in my own novels…
      On a different note, I am watching closely the new political developments on your site. I hope things don’t get out of control.
      Take care David. Stay safe.

      1. I am watching closely the new political developments on your site.

        I’m really glad to hear that, Gabriela… I know it’s not “fun” writing like my poetry, but it’s very much on my mind every day.


      2. They are in my mind every day too. Why? From a geopolitical and ideological point of view those are very important events for the security of the area, for the relation with the US, and the list can continue.
        Personally .. I will tell you one day why 🙂
        Enjoy your evening David.

    1. Thank you so much Susi. It means a lot to me you took the time to read and you enjoyed it.

  6. Oh how sweet is this!!! To know more about you feels so close to you. ❤️❤️
    Dear Gabriela, I always admire your work and you are so special to me. 🤗🤗 You are the best and you always will!! Sending you love and hugs 🤗😍❤️

    1. Aw.. thank you so much my dearest friend. You are so kind. What can I say more? “You are the best and you always will!!” This sentence takes my breath away. Every word humbles me. I am sending you plenty of love and hugs. May your week be fabulous. May happiness be with you every minute.

  7. What a moving interview! It was a treat to get to learn so much more about you and what it is that is behind the flowing of your words. I love how I connect to your experience of reading Kant and feel a taste of that inspirational subconsciousness you are so familiar with.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Java, my dearest, thank you so much. I am grateful you read the interview and delighted you liked it.
      “I love how I connect to your experience of reading Kant and feel a taste of that inspirational subconsciousness you are so familiar with.” Thank you. I am trilled we can connect. Much love to you.

    1. Thank you so much Francine. I am glad you liked the interview. I always feel honored when you comment on my posts. It really makes me happy.
      Hugs and have a beautiful evening.

      1. That’s so humbling sweetheart. Thank you so much for your unbelievable words.
        Sending you love and hugs

    1. Timothy, thank you so much. I am glad you think so. Well, I should have mentioned the cats first. They are not happy that they were not mentioned first.

      1. 😊 They are sending everyone purrs and hugs. Have a beautiful evening 🤗

  8. Lovely interview Button. Great questions – ones that certainly give us a better understanding of who you are, or what you allow us to see. Thank you both very much. I certainly enjoyed it. So looking forward to the new book. I love the way you describe both your books. Best to you and sending lots of love, honeybun. xoxoxo

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your beautiful words honeybun. I am glad you enjoyed the interview.
      “So looking forward to the new book.” Thank you again and again and again. This means a lot to me.
      Have a splendid afternoon filled with love and magic.

      1. Hello dearest Button, I have been gone most of the day. It was a very informative interview with a lot of interesting information about you which of course I love to read. I am very excited to own your new book. I can’t wait, your work is splendid. Two days ago I was going through many of my favorites in the first book, it is just such beautiful work Button. Sending you so much love and praying for that arm to get better. Love you, Honeybun xoxoxo

      2. Thank you so much honeybun. You touched my heart again. Your words mean a lot to me.
        Love you

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed your interview and the pieces included in this issue. Thank you for transporting me back to Santorini (Thira) once again. I await your new book with a thrill of anticipation! 🙂

    1. Ingrid, you are so kind. Thank you for reading and for your wonderful comment.
      “I await your new book with a thrill of anticipation!” I am humbled by these words.
      May the rest of your day be fabulous.
      Much love to you

  10. This is such a wonderful interview.
    Salvador Dali- one of the quirkiest yet the most imaginative surrealist. I absolutely love his work.
    Beautiful other answers too, a true insight inside the mind of an enchanting poetess.
    Congratulations dear friend. Sending you Greek sunsets and this wonderful Rimbaud quote,
    “True alchemy lies in this formula: ‘Your memory and your senses are but the nourishment of your creative impulse’”

    1. My magnificent friend Shanyu, is here. Thank you for your fabulous comment.
      ” I absolutely love his work.” I am thrilled you like Dali.
      “a true insight inside the mind of an enchanting poetess.” Aw.. am I enchanting? 🙂
      Greek sunsets and quotes from Rimbaud. I cannot ask for more. That quote is actually one of his best; an expression of his genius.

      I hope everything is well with you Shanyu. Sending you plenty of love and thank you again for reading and commenting.

  11. Thank you for sharing this interview. Very compelling and insightful.

    Thank you also for always reading my blog, it encourages me to keep writing. Especially since reciprocity is not my strongest trait. (Must needs work on that.)

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words dear.
      Please write. I will continue to read and to support you.

  12. How fun to read this interview about you Gabriella💖
    ] love it and how you find your inspiration and how poetry found you and you gave meaning to us
    through your words.
    Your mama was right and you write your heart and love the trance like style you write from your heart.💖💖💖💖💖
    Great interview❣️❣️

    1. Cindy, thank you so much for reading and for your beautiful comment. I am glad you liked it. Sending love and hugs. It’s Friday fun! 🥰🌹❤️

  13. Wonderful. It’s amazing to read more about you Gabriela. Thou I used to follow you earlier but due to the change of domain, all my followers gone. Sending you love and hugs 🤗

    1. Aw.. thank you so much for reading and for your the praise. I am glad you enjoyed the interview and we are connected again 🥰🌹❤️

  14. This is such an amazing interview. I loved getting to know bits of you and yet still not know you at all.
    You have so much depth, memory and knowledge.

    1. Thank you for reading my dear friend. It means a lot to me. Let’s say we are just started to know each other 😊 Have a beautiful weekend. This is for you 🌹

      1. Sweetheart you will have to stick with me and be patient. I have a new book coming out and plenty of things to do. Sometimes at the end of August I will have more time and I can make some suggestions.

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