lovers without love #poem #poetry

you, quest of lovers without love
your unrelenting islands beaten by the wind-blown sand
the sea
extends its waves beyond the singularity of night
the silk of clouds is looking for the sky
scales of reeds chime songs,
cries of those whose loves have sunk

I bathe in the aromatic rose of the moonlight
the night bathes in the foam of the blue waters
a bed sighs
the silhouettes of three carnations gossip on the floor
empty hearts expecting to be slaughtered

the sand receives me
in the distance a mast decides to flicker
the quest of lovers without love
on a wicker chair
a lonely glove

@Gabriela Marie Milton

image:  KHIUS; Shutterstock; [link]

105 thoughts on “lovers without love #poem #poetry

  1. tu, ricerca di amanti senza amore
    le tue inesorabili isole battute dalla sabbia soffiata dal vento
    il mare
    estende le sue onde oltre la singolarità della notte
    la seta delle nuvole sta cercando il cielo
    scale di canne, canzoni di carillon,
    grida di coloro i cui amori sono affondati

    Mi immergo nella rosa aromatica della luce lunare
    la notte si bagna nella schiuma delle acque blu
    un letto sospira
    le sagome di tre garofani spettegolano sul pavimento
    cuori vuoti che aspettano di essere recisi

    la sabbia mi riceve
    in lontananza un albero decide di scuotersi
    la ricerca di amanti senza amore
    su una sedia di vimini
    guanto solitario

    1. Flavio, I am so sorry for my late reply. Somehow this translation ended up in my spam folder.

      Then when I saw it.. I thought you would never do it again. Yet, you did it. And I stopped breathing.
      No words can express my gratitude to you, my respect, and my admiration for your poetry.
      Grazie di tutto.

  2. Hola G,

    One of the most beautiful things you have ever written. ( I know, I sound like a broken record). Beautiful images of loneliness, longing, and the search for………hmmm, the divine connection of hearts and souls. Within the shadows of this gorgeous piece of writing
    you painted images so clear I could see the moonlight highlighting and reflecting off
    every unspoken corner and the unseen carnations. Touching in its gentle brilliance.

    If they ever constructed a museum of poetry, this masterpiece would be hanging there to be admired and adored.


    1. Good morning Drew,

      Your beautiful comment took my breath away. Do I really deserve such praise? Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
      A museum of poetry? I know other people who deserve to be there 🙂
      I am going to marvel at your comment the entire day.
      It’s going to be a stressful day so I’ll keep your words in my heart.
      Thank you again.
      Stay inspired.

      1. Well, that means there are two of us not breathing since this masterpiece was breathtaking.
        I am certain you will conquer every dragon that gets in the way Remember, You are Woman!

        Hakuna Matata (Yes, I am quoting The Lion KIng). Be well.

      2. Drew, thank you for your encouragement and for kindness. Since I am Hakuna Matata I can breathe now 🙂
        Am I suppose to fight the Lion King? I know nothing about the Lion King. You got me here.
        Have a splendid day, Drew.

  3. This poem is truly exceptional, G! I love the way it plays with the reader’s expectations, especially in the early lines when the islands are beaten by the sand instead of the sea. The the juxtaposition and associations are eye catching as well; gossiping and alienation, moonlight as an aromatic rose. There is so much here to explore and discover. Such a deep, thought provoking piece.

    1. Thank you so much, David. I am humbled by your comment. I’ve always loved your critiques. Sometimes I feel you discover more than I could imagine. You are not only a great writer, you are a great reader too. Do these two go together?
      Thank you again, David, Your words touched my heart.
      Enjoy your day.

      1. You’re so very welcome! You touch my heart (and flatter me a bit) in return. Yes, I think the two go together. Writing largely comes out of reading after all; it’s both how we absorb language and how we learn what we can do with it. What are your thoughts?

      2. You deserve praise.
        My thoughts are the same. However, I asked because I read two blog posts. One claimed that to write you do not need to learn new words. The second claimed that you do not need to read anything in order to write great poetry. I was surprised by those claims.

      3. David, no evidence was presented. I was puzzled by those claims. I felt like sharing this info with you. Is there a very young generation that believes that?

        Enjoy your evening 🙂

      4. Somehow the lack of evidence doesn’t surprise me.
        There does seem to be a very, very young generation that believes that, yes, unfortunately. When I worked at the University of South Alabama we had a student, an aspiring writer, who actually refused to read any books because he didn’t want other authors to damage his originality. The results were exactly what you would expect.

        You enjoy your evening as well!

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your beautiful comment. I hope you know how much it means to me.

      Welcome back. I hope everything is well.


      1. I am glad to hear you are home. Looking forward to your full return.
        My best wishes to you and your family.

    1. Hey Eric
      The day they were aligned by me and read by you. That is a beautiful day. Thank you so much Eric.
      Oh, I was about to forget. Where is your hat?

    1. Oh, Shantanu, you are so kind. I do not think most people believe that I create spellbinding poetry.
      However, I am thrilled you think so.
      Thank you from my heart.

  4. I don’t know where to start or how to express how much I love this poem. It gets straight to that place in my heart that aches when it finds indescribable beauty, when it detects longing that runs so deep it escapes words. This poem escapes my mind, my conscious processing, as it has literally been taken up and held in my heart.
    Sighing over here G.
    You’ve done it again

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful words, my dearest R. Knowing that it is held in your heart means a lot to me.
      I am so grateful to you for reading and commenting.
      Sending you love and hugs.
      Have a beautiful weekend.

  5. The quest of lovers without love, the theme itself is great and then the unrelenting images. Beautifully done.

  6. If I were to single out my most favourite line, I would end up quoting the entire poem. Can’t describe its beauty through words. Just stay blessed.

    1. Thank you so much, Charlie. I really appreciate your beautiful comment 🙂

      1. Charlie, my friend, I got a notification you posted a new poem. Sorry I could not read it on time. I’ll be there soon.
        Hope you are well.

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