my poem “marry me” published #poetry

My poem “marry me” published by KashmirPen Newspaper.

midnight suspends itself on a rock wall
the Hands of Fatima knit shades of blue over the valley
sounds, chirps of migratory birds
flutter of old keys hidden in lonely drawers
run with me and let’s get married
the forest speaks…

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@Gabriela Marie Milton

83 thoughts on “my poem “marry me” published #poetry

    1. You always have beautiful words for me. I am so grateful to you. Thank you so much πŸ™‚

      1. You are so sweet. I do not know what to say anymore. Love and hugs to you, my dear

  1. A wonderful poem, Gabriela. “The flutter of keys in lonely drawers” suggests to me the desire to escape from loneliness and also the unlocking of assion held captive, although perhaps the latter is a little fanciful on my part. The idea of pregrant stars to me speaks of actual human birth, or at least the possibility of such. Best – Kevin

    1. My Dear Kevin,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Many thanks for your beautiful comment too. Those are the things that I had in mind when I wrote this poem. You read me well.
      Enjoy your afternoon. I hope everything is well.

    1. Aw… I am humbled and delighted by your comment. Thank you so much πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you so much for your beautiful comment. I am thrilled you enjoyed it. Love and hugs.

    1. Thank you, Shantanu. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Keeping Kashmir in mind. What makes you think so?

      1. Haha! That’s true. What about the shawl ? Have you ever visited Kashmir?

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
      Probably you do not remember but you were my second follower two years ago when I started blogging. I had nobody: no friends, no followers. During my two years of blogging your constant support meant the world to me. It still does. I really want you to know that.
      Looking forward to reading your books πŸ™‚
      Have a great weekend.

      1. Yes, I do remember following you when you started your site. You have come a long way. I don’t always comment as people get used to comment and it is like living near the mountains or an ocean. At first everything is new and exciting but then we become. Congratulations with all of your publishings. You deserve it. Be well my friend. Joseph

      2. Joseph,
        When I started my site I was going through a lot of pain. I was only trying to make something beautiful out of that pain that truth be told is still with me. Your constant support brought a ray of sunshine in my life (comments or not).
        Thank you for the congrats and for your kind words.
        Be well too

  2. Oh! This lush and verdant scene actually made a sigh escape my body.

    frantic crickets play the violins of dusk
    steel a star and set it on my finger

    This might be the most romantic thing I’ve ever read.

    Xoxo and …. Sigh…

    1. Hello my dearest R,
      I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
      “the most romantic thing I’ve ever read.” That is so sweet of you to say.
      Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  3. Hola G.

    Happy to see this work of art recognized for its beauty and depth. Like so many of your beautiful pieces, this masterpiece deserves all of the accolades, spotlights, and cherishment.
    Dreamy and inspiring!

    1. Hola Drew,

      Thank you for the congrats and for the praise. You made me blush.
      I hope your morning coffee ritual is going well. Bustelo? πŸ™‚
      And I hope you are making a lot of progress on your novel. Can’t wait to read it, Drew.
      Wishing you a fabulous day.
      P.S. Talking about morning rituals. I added more pills lol: Niagen. I am not sure what it does but if the MIT guys and the silicon valley guys are taking it I am all for πŸ™‚

      1. Ritual going very well. I have even added an afternoon expresso after lunch to my repertoire.

        Yes, working very hard. Life and my new surroundings have me very inspired. I don’t think this honeymoon with Florida will ever end. I really feel as if I am finally home.

        The poet with the perfect memory needs Niagen? Haha . When I hit post on my micro story The Experiment, you and your memory (and intelligence) crossed my mind. I am certain you are already using a greater percentage of your brain than most. Certainly more than this beach boy.

        Not really a pill guy. I always search for alternate methods. For example, my solution to my sleep issues Yiruma. He is a South Korean-British pianist and composer. I ask Alexa to play him and his tranquil sounds knocks me right out.

        Besides, if I took a pill for my memory or to sharpen my mnd….I would probably forget to take it. LOL

      2. “I have even added an afternoon expresso after lunch to my repertoire.” Lovely.
        “I really feel as if I am finally home.” I am very happy for you, Drew. Happy that you are working too.

        “The poet with the perfect memory needs Niagen? Haha” Niagen is not for memory. Or is it? I told you I do not understand exactly what it does. I don’t do molecular biology πŸ™‚

        “When I hit post on my micro story The Experiment, you and your memory (and intelligence) crossed my mind” I am really flatter, Drew. Thank you.
        “He is a South Korean-British pianist and composer. I ask Alexa to play him and his tranquil sounds knocks me right out.” That’s sounds beautiful. I’ll try it. Does it act upon the maternal DNA like the Niagen? Kidding.
        “if I took a pill for my memory or to sharpen my mnd….I would probably forget to take it. LOL” That’s a problem. πŸ™‚

        Really happy that you feel home in Florida. I envy you. I hope somehow, someday I will return to the state of the eternal youth (or the sunshine state :))

        Enjoy your afternoon, Drew.

      3. Maternal DNA? Makes this Niagen deprived beach boy wonder if he has to congratulate you again? Niagen is good for improving cognitive function, a bit of anti-aging (which poets don’t need since we are forever young at heart), helps treat jet lag, and preventing cancer.

        If it is in your heart you will return for sunshine and palm trees. Queue in Gloria Estefan’s Mi Tierra.

        On a different note: What supplement do you suggest for enhancing creativity and poetry?

      4. I am delaying the reply because I do not know how to answer your question.

      5. Lol. You made me laugh and I am trying to work.
        I suggest monasticism: renouncing worldly pursuits; full commitment to spiritual work. What do you say beach boy?

      6. Ok, forget about what I said. I apologize.
        What about being a glowing artist?

  4. Congratulations! love the images you conjure up, infusing the senses with a romance, yet never overdoing it.

    1. Aw.. Thank you so much. I am thrilled you think so.
      I hope all whales are well πŸ™‚

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