forever love #poetry

my love,

receive my spade and take my cross

my heart will always be with you

i’m going to the realm of the unknown

remember me from time to time

on torrid nights

when conjured Spanish fountains

softly moan in pain.


my love for you will shine in every star

and it will be in every cloud you see

now time has come to swear to me

my beauty from the lands i’ve never known

that you’ll remember

stars are far

enemies by you



imagine:  Elijah Lovkoff/Shutterstock

45 thoughts on “forever love #poetry

    1. Aw… thank you so much my dear K! Very grateful for your comment! Have a lovely day🌷💐🌺

    1. Enrique Iglesias? Oh, sweetheart, I am afraid that I can’t help you with that 🙂
      Sending you lots love!!!

  1. My dear G. The disturbing thought that I never received a reply from you just woke me from my sleep. I have no doubt I was the first person to comment on this breathtaking post.

    Since childhood, I have been a great admirer of the sky, thus, the lines of your love shining in the stars and in every cloud you see truly resonated inside me.

    This was so beautiful. Erato would be proud.

    1. My dear Drew, I am so sorry, but there was no comment from you on my blog. I told you that WP is conspiring against us 🙂 I thought you did not comment because you were working on your novel.

      Now: Good morning! Thank you so much for trying the second time! It means a lot to me!
      “breathtaking post” , aw… you are going to convince me that I write beautiful poetry. You are so sweet, and so generous, Drew.

      May the sky shower love on you every day! May you have a beautiful day and a night filled with stars!
      Can I tell you a secret? I’m drinking coffee this morning 🙂 Guatemala with heavy cream instead of milk 🙂
      Are you posting tonight?

      1. Apologies, Good morning. The sudden realization that I never received a reply from my comment actually woke me up from a sound sleep. (Crazy me dreaming of blogging). Thankfully, I didn’t make a babbling fool of myself with comment since I was still half asleep.

        Regarding your misconceptions as to why you found no comment from me; my phone and WordPress settings are fixed to immediately alert me when you post. (As you can see, I do have my priorities).

        Now: I just read your poem with my morning coffee. It was even better the second time around. Simply wonderful.

        Since we are sharing secrets, I will let you in on one. I had my vitamins with a grapefruit.
        Not exactly the breakfast of champions.

        As for tonight’s post; yes there will be one but I am afraid you will not be totally pleased. Smiling. Have a glorious and inspiring day.

      2. I will have to work on my settings too, so I will not miss any comments or posts from you.
        That will be my Saturday! On “lonely Sundays” I scribble words as you know 🙂

        As I write I am half asleep, and I have to do something to wake up. The coffee did not do it.

        Did you eat the entire grapefruit? LOL

        Thank you again for reading my posts and for your wonderful comments!

        Can’t wait to read your post tonight!

        Have a great day, Drew!

  2. Sweet loving words. Thanks for sharing it at dVerse community. Would be great if you can also visit and comment on other poems linked up. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and for having me at dVerse.
      I did visit with other bloggers. Left quite a few likes. It will be my pleasure to comment in the future.
      Have a fabulous weekend and thank you once again!

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